Caid & Estrella - Estrella War 23 - Gate Volunteers


Wanted are a few good Caidan volunteers to staff gate at Estrella War on Thursday, February 15, 2007!

The winds of war are upon us!  Estrella War is but a mere two months away and before we know it, we will be traveling to meet our brothers and sisters at arms upon the field of battle at Estrella.  As we all know it takes more than just fighters to put on a war.  It takes volunteers willing to donate a couple of hours of their time to help the war effort so that all might enjoy!

We are looking for 36 generous souls (or 6 people per 2 hour shift) to staff Gate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.  

I am issuing a challenge to all geopolitical groups whether they be Baronies, Shires, Cantons, households, warbands, guilds or just a bunch of friends willing to adopt a shift at Gate.  Join past groups such as the Baronies of Altavia and Dun Or, Calafia, Gyldenholt and Starkhavn, House Shadowdale and our favorite boys with the big toys CRAC who will attest just how much fun it was working gate last year! 

I personally worked 10 of the 12 hours Caid covered last year and I am willing to work the entire 12 hours if that is what it takes to make sure all shifts are covered. 

Please contact LHSeņora Madelena Hidalgo de Valencia at if you are able to donate 2 hours of your time to help make Estrella War an enjoyable experience to all who come through Gate on 02/15/06. 

Yours in Service,

Madelena Hidalgo de Valencia

Gate Volunteer Coordinator for Kingdom of Caid

Estrella War XXIII