Royal Majesties Sven Örfhendur and Cassandra Zoë Paganel welcome you to the Caid & Estrella
War 28 Web Site. We look forward to the challenge and know
that Caid and Her allies will bring honor, courage and fun to the fields
of combat!
ESTRELLA WAR XXVIII Land Allocation - Our gracious Aten hosts
have granted Caid the same amount of land that it has traditionally
had at the past Estrella War sites. The size of the land will be based
on previous year's numbers. In an effort to provide better information
they are willing to provide more current numbers as we move closer
to the event. These numbers would be based off the pre-registration
numbers as they are processed. On-line Land Allocation closes March
17, 2012.
PRE-REGISTRATION is used to mail or pay your fees online before the
event. Pre-registered attendees can choose to pay their site fees in
full or make a deposit and subsequent payments towards their site
fee. Deposits are $20 per adult and $5 per youth. Additional payments
must be in whole dollar increments (no change please). If you wish to
arrive before Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 - 8:00 am when General
Admission starts for the event, all site fees must be paid in full no later
than February 17, 2012.
After 8:00 am, Wednesday, March 28th, 2012, any balance due of site
fees can be paid upon arrival at the Front Gate.
- If you pre-register for a Wednesday arrival, you can enter the
site one day earlier than those who pay General Admission for
the event. The site opens for fully pre-paid, pre-registered on
Tuesday March 27th, 2012 after 8:00 am.
- Pre-registration entrance fees are lower than the General Admission fees paid at the Gate.
- The Front gate only accepts cash and traveler's checks. Pre-
registration fees may be paid by personal check when mailed
prior to January 31, 2012, or by money order when they are
mailed prior to February 15, 2012. MasterCard or Visa can only
be used when pre-registration is paid on-line prior to Februay
17, 2012.
- The pre-paid entrance line at the Front gate is generally far
shorter and moves much faster than the General Admission line.
Follow the link below to allocate land for Estrella War XXVIII
War Pre-Registration - Pre-Registration closes February 17, 2012 for online submissions. REMINDER
Site Rules - Rules to observe while attending Estrella War 28
Land Treaty Map - Map of this years Land Allocation
Estrella 28 Caidan Royals - TRM Sven and Cassandra.
Estrella 28 Caidan Land Deputy - Mistress Adelicia of Caithness