Caid & Estrella - Estrella War 25 - Estrella Room


The Winners have been chosen, thanks to all who participated!





Estrella Room Raffle and Kingdom Travel Fund fundraiser

Once again, Caid will be raffling off the right to rent each of three rooms for which it holds the legacy on the Estrella war site.  Each room has: two queen-sized beds, a bathroom (including shower) and heat/AC.  Just think, no hauling canvas, no setup/breakdown, no standing in the shower line and no walking to the privy in the middle of the night and freezing your, um, backside off.  The funds raised will be used to offset the costs of paying for the Royal Room and increasing the Kingdom Travel Fund.

Raffle tickets will be available at 12th Night and Unbelted, with one drawing at 12th Night and the other two at final court of Unbelted (you do not need to be present to win).  Suggested donation is $1 per ticket, or $5 for 6 tickets.  To make it easier on those who will not be attending either event, you can request tickets by mail.  Send check or money order (please - NO CASH!) made out to SCA, Kingdom of Caid and a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to:

Contact Baroness Brianna Je Nell via email to get her address

When using the mail option, please include: your name, society name, phone number, address, email address, payment and SASE (if you do not send an SASE, I will not mail you your tickets).  I beg of you, please be kind to my eyes and print legibly!

Fine Print:

If you win the raffle, the rental rate is $518.21 and must be paid directly to the Kingdom of Caid AND received by the Kingdom Exchequer before February 4th, 2009.  Rental is for Monday, 2/9/09 thru Monday, 2/16/09, no matter whether you occupy the room for the entire time or not.  This does not entitle you to rent the room next year, as the legacy is held by the Kingdom of Caid (who paid the rental for the rooms upfront).  Your key will be available on site from either Baroness Adelicia (Land allocation) or Baroness Brianna Je Nell.